October 10 – 11, 2020 Zoom On! Yoga Classes

Zoom On! Yoga Classes

These classes are designed to help you release any stored pain, anxiety, stress, or tension you may be experiencing so that your vital energy – prana – can move freely through your whole entire body. When your vital energy is flowing freely (not obstructed), you experience positive emotions, revitalized energy, mental clarity, lightness, pain relief, and a sense of overall well-being.

Each class incorporates pranayama techniques, such as alternate nostril breathing and soft belly breathing, to calm the mind and relax the nervous system.

Healing Injury? For those who have a history of injury or trauma and notice that the effects of the minor/major injuries are beginning to interfere with your everyday lives, please note that all of the yoga classes are naturally healing.

When: October 10 – 11 , 2020

Days: Saturday – Sunday

Time: 10:00 am -11:30 am (Eastern Time Zone)

Price per class: $15.00 per class/ $30.00 (two classes)

Relieve Tight Hips and Making Gratitude Our Practice – Zoom On Yoga Classes

  • 10/10 Saturday                      Tight Hips?
  • 10/11 Sunday                         Making Gratitude Our Practice 

Try This Fun and Uplifting Pranayama Practice: Practice this guided Wim Hof breathing technique. Try practicing outside or while you are biking, breathing in the benefits of clean, fresh air and sunshine.

Saturday, 10/10, Tight Hips?  

Tight hips, anyone?  This class is an elixir to help you relieve tightness in your hips, legs, and lower back so you feel light, stable, and free. 

Our practice integrates standing and balance poses, along with leg lifts, to help you increase your range of motion at your hip joints. 

Sunday, 10/11, Making Gratitude Our Practice

This class is designed to ease tension in your head, neck, and shoulder regions so that you feel a sense of relief from pain.

Our practice includes standing asanas, twists, simple, supported inversions such as downward facing dog and restorative forward bends.

We integrate breath-work and gratitude to see how our breath and mind help us create a deeper release in our asanas so that we feel a sense of calm, vibrant energy.

We synchronize an “attitude of gratitude” with our asana, pranayama, and meditation practice. Our asanas teach us how to let go of tension in our head, neck, and shoulders. Pranayama teaches us to breathe deeply and tap into life’s vital energy flow. Meditation teaches us to surrender to what is and live in the moment with gratitude in our hearts.


Whether you have attended any of my yoga classes in the past or not, you are welcome to attend any or all of these classes.


Beginner – with at least 6 months of yoga experience


One yoga mat
Two firm blankets
Two firm bolsters
Two yoga blocks
One yoga belt
Two or three sandbags, if you have
Dharma wheel, if you have one


  • Tight Hips?
    October 10, 2020
    10:00 am - 11:30 am
  • Making Gratitude Our Practice
    October 11, 2020
    10:00 am - 11:30 am
  • Entire Workshop
    October 10, 2020 - October 11, 2020
    10:00 am - 11:30 am
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

 Virtual Zoom On! Yoga Classes
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